AAA | | Assiociation of Average Adjusters |
AAD | | Administrative Accompanying Document |
A/B | | Aktiebolaget (registered company – Sweden) |
A/C | | Account |
A-BCC | | Arab-British Chamber of Commerce |
ABCC | | Association of British Chambers of Commerce |
ABI | | Association of British Insurers |
ABP | | Associated British Ports |
ACP | | African Caribbean and Pacific States |
ADR | | The European agreement on the International carriage of dangerous goods by road |
Ad. Val | | Ad valorem (according to value) |
ADP | | Automated Data Processing |
A/E | | Abbreviated Entry |
AF | | Advance Freight (i.e. prior shipment) |
AG | | Aktiengesellschaft (public company — Germany) |
AMT | | Air Mail Transfer |
AN | | Advice Note |
ANA | | Article Number Association |
ANF | | Arrival notification form |
AP | | Additional Premium |
A/S | | Account Sales, After sight, alongside |
ASN | | Advance Shipment Notification, a kind of electronic despatch note |
ATA | | Admission Temporarie - Temporary Admission |
ATP | | Accorde Transports Permissable, (European agreement on the international transport of perishable foodstuffs) |
ATR | | Admission Temporaire Roulette - Temporary admission on wheels |
AV | | Ad Volerum Average |
AWB | | Air Waybill |
BACAT | | Barge aboard catamaran |
BACS | | Banker's Automated Clearing System |
BAF | | Bunker adjustment factor |
BCN | | Bankers Cover Note |
BD | | Bond |
B/D | | Bankers Draft |
BEA | | British Exporters Association |
BEF | | Belgian Franc |
B/E | | Bill of Exchange |
BIFA | | British International Freight Association |
BKG | | Breakage |
BKGE | | Brokerage |
B/L | | Bill of Lading |
BOTB | | British Overseas Trade Board |
B/P | | Bills Payable |
BR | | British Railways |
B/Rec | | Bills Receivable |
B/S | | Bill of Sale |
BSC | | British Shippers Institution |
BSI | | British Standards Institution |
BSS | | British Standards Specification |
BST | | British Summer Time |
BV | | Bureau Veritas |
CA | | Compensatory Agreement |
CAA | | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAAC | | Customs and Allied Affairs Committee |
CAB | | Civil Aeronautics Board (USA) |
CACM | | Central American Common Market |
CAD | | Cash Against Documents/Commercial Agents Directive/Canadian Dollar |
CAF | | Currency Adjustment Factor |
CAN | | Customs Assigned Number |
CAP | | Common Agricultural Policy |
CARICOM | | Caribbean Community |
CBD | | Cash Before Delivery |
CBI | | Confederation of British Industry |
cbm | | cubic metre |
CC | | Continuation clause, Civil Commotions |
cc | | Current cost, cubic capacity, customs clearance, cubic centimetre, carbon copy |
CCCN | | Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature (Formerly (BTN) Brussels Tariff Nomenclature) |
CC/O | | Certificate of Consignment/Origin |
CCLN | | Consignment note control label number |
CCT | | Common Customs Tariff (within the EU) |
C/D | | Commercial Dock or consular declaration |
CD | | Customs Declaration |
C&D | | Collected and Delivered |
CDV | | Current Domestic Value |
CE | | Community European |
C&E | | Customs & Excise |
Cert | | Certificate |
CET | | Central European Time |
CEN | | European Standards Office |
C&F | | Cost and Freight |
CFR | | Cost and Freight |
cf (cu. ft.) | | Cubic Feet |
CFS | | Container freight station |
CFTC | | Commodity Futures Trading Commission (USA) |
Cge Pd | | Carriage paid |
CH | | Customs House |
Ch of C | | Chambers of Commerce |
Ch Fwd | | Charges forward |
Ch Pd | | Charges Paid |
CHAPS | | Clearing House Automated Payment System |
CHIEF | | Customs handling of import/export freight |
CHIPS | | Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System (USA) |
C&I | | Cost and Insurance |
C/I | | Consular Invoice/Certificate of Insurance |
CIE | | Customs input entry, Coras Iompair Eirraen (Irish Railways) |
CIF | | Cost, Insurance and Freight |
CIF & C | | Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission |
CIF & E | | Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange |
CIFC & I | | Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest |
CIM | | Convention Interational Marchandises |
CIP | | Carriage/Freight and Insurance paid to (named point) |
CIPA | | Charted Institute of Patent Agents |
CKD | | Completely Knocked Down |
CLECAT | | European Liaison Committee of Common Market Forwarders |
CMR | | Convention Merchandises Routiers (conditions for the international carriage of goods by road) |
C/N | | Consignment Note, Cover Notes |
C/NEE | | Consignee |
CO OR C/O | | Certificate of Origin, Cash Order |
COCOM | | Co-ordinating Committee on Export Controls (NATO) |
COD | | Cash on Delivery |
Cof | | Cost of funds |
COFACE | | Compagnie Francause pour l'Assurance du Commerce Exterieur (French equivalent of ECGD) |
COM/I | | Commercial Invoice |
COMECON | | Council for Mutual Economic Aid |
COMET | | Committee Of Middle East Trade |
COMITEXTIL | | Co-Ordination committee for the textile industry in the EEC |
COMEX | | Commodity Exchange (New York) |
COT | | Consumers Own Transport |
COU | | Clip-on unit |
CP | | Commonwealth Preference, commercial paper |
C/P | | Charter party |
Cpa | | Claims payable abroad |
CPC | | Customs Procedure Code |
Cpd | | Charterer pays dues |
CPF | | Clean Report of Findings |
CPT | | Carriage and Insurance Paid To |
CR | | Current Rate, Carriers Risk, Compound Risk |
CRF | | Clean Report of Findings |
CRN | | Customs registered number |
CSC | | Container Safety Convention |
C/S | | Currency Surcharge |
CT | | Community Transit |
CTL(O) | | Constructive total loss (only) |
Ctge | | Cartage |
CTO | | Combined Transport Operator |
C/V | | Certificate of Value |
C/VO | | Certificate of Value and Origin |
CWE | | Cleared without examination |
CWO | | Cash with Order |
CY | | Currency |