Home > International Trade for UK Exporters > Export and Shipping Abbreviations (A-C)
International Trade
Export and Shipping Glossary
• A - C
• D - G
• H - M
• N - R
• S - Z
 Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
AAA   Assiociation of Average Adjusters
AAD   Administrative Accompanying Document
A/B  Aktiebolaget (registered company – Sweden)
A/C Account
A-BCC Arab-British Chamber of Commerce
ABCC Association of British Chambers of Commerce
ABI Association of British Insurers
ABP Associated British Ports
ACP African Caribbean and Pacific States
ADR The European agreement on the International carriage of dangerous goods by road
Ad. Val Ad valorem (according to value)
ADP Automated Data Processing
A/E Abbreviated Entry
AF Advance Freight (i.e. prior shipment)
AG Aktiengesellschaft (public company — Germany)
AMT Air Mail Transfer
AN Advice Note
ANA Article Number Association
ANF Arrival notification form
AP Additional Premium
A/S Account Sales, After sight, alongside
ASN Advance Shipment Notification, a kind of electronic despatch note
ATA Admission Temporarie - Temporary Admission
ATP Accorde Transports Permissable, (European agreement on the international transport of perishable foodstuffs)
ATR Admission Temporaire Roulette - Temporary admission on wheels
AV Ad Volerum Average
AWB Air Waybill
BACAT Barge aboard catamaran
BACS Banker's Automated Clearing System
BAF Bunker adjustment factor
BCN Bankers Cover Note
BD Bond
B/D Bankers Draft
BEA British Exporters Association
BEF Belgian Franc
B/E Bill of Exchange
BIFA British International Freight Association
BKG Breakage
BKGE Brokerage
B/L Bill of Lading
BOTB British Overseas Trade Board
B/P Bills Payable
BR British Railways
B/Rec Bills Receivable
B/S Bill of Sale
BSC British Shippers Institution
BSI British Standards Institution
BSS British Standards Specification
BST British Summer Time
BV Bureau Veritas
CA Compensatory Agreement
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CAAC Customs and Allied Affairs Committee
CAB Civil Aeronautics Board (USA)
CACM Central American Common Market
CAD Cash Against Documents/Commercial Agents Directive/Canadian Dollar
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor
CAN Customs Assigned Number
CAP Common Agricultural Policy
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CBD Cash Before Delivery
CBI Confederation of British Industry
cbm cubic metre
CC Continuation clause, Civil Commotions
cc Current cost, cubic capacity, customs clearance, cubic centimetre, carbon copy
CCCN Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature (Formerly (BTN) Brussels Tariff Nomenclature)
CC/O Certificate of Consignment/Origin
CCLN Consignment note control label number
CCT Common Customs Tariff (within the EU)
C/D Commercial Dock or consular declaration
CD Customs Declaration
C&D Collected and Delivered
CDV Current Domestic Value
CE Community European
C&E Customs & Excise
Cert Certificate
CET Central European Time
CEN European Standards Office
C&F Cost and Freight
CFR Cost and Freight
cf (cu. ft.) Cubic Feet
CFS Container freight station
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission (USA)
Cge Pd Carriage paid
CH Customs House
Ch of C Chambers of Commerce
Ch Fwd Charges forward
Ch Pd Charges Paid
CHAPS Clearing House Automated Payment System
CHIEF Customs handling of import/export freight
CHIPS Clearing House Inter-bank Payments System (USA)
C&I Cost and Insurance
C/I Consular Invoice/Certificate of Insurance
CIE Customs input entry, Coras Iompair Eirraen (Irish Railways)
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIF & C  Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission
CIF & E  Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange
CIFC & I  Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission and Interest
CIM Convention Interational Marchandises
CIP Carriage/Freight and Insurance paid to (named point)
CIPA Charted Institute of Patent Agents
CKD Completely Knocked Down
CLECAT European Liaison Committee of Common Market Forwarders
CMR Convention Merchandises Routiers (conditions for the international carriage of goods by road)
C/N Consignment Note, Cover Notes
C/NEE Consignee
CO OR C/O  Certificate of Origin, Cash Order
COCOM Co-ordinating Committee on Export Controls (NATO)
COD Cash on Delivery
Cof Cost of funds
COFACE Compagnie Francause pour l'Assurance du Commerce Exterieur (French equivalent of ECGD)
COM/I Commercial Invoice
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Aid
COMET Committee Of Middle East Trade
COMITEXTIL Co-Ordination committee for the textile industry in the EEC
COMEX Commodity Exchange (New York)
COT Consumers Own Transport
COU Clip-on unit
CP Commonwealth Preference, commercial paper
C/P Charter party
Cpa Claims payable abroad
CPC Customs Procedure Code
Cpd Charterer pays dues
CPF Clean Report of Findings
CPT Carriage and Insurance Paid To
CR Current Rate, Carriers Risk, Compound Risk
CRF Clean Report of Findings
CRN Customs registered number
CSC Container Safety Convention
C/S Currency Surcharge
CT Community Transit
CTL(O) Constructive total loss (only)
Ctge Cartage
CTO Combined Transport Operator
C/V Certificate of Value
C/VO Certificate of Value and Origin
CWE Cleared without examination
CWO Cash with Order
CY Currency

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