D/A | | Documents against acceptance, days after acceptance |
DAF | | Delivered at frontier |
DB | | Deustche Bundesbahn (German Railways) |
Dbk | | Drawback |
D/C | | Deviation clause, documentary collection |
dd | | Delivered |
D/D | | days after date (of tenor of bill of exchange) |
DDA | | Duty Deferment Account |
DDP | | Delivered Duty Paid |
DDU | | Delivered Duty Unpaid |
DDP | | Delivered Duty Paid |
DEPS | | Departmental Entry Processing System |
DEQ | | Delivered At Quay |
DES | | Delivered Ex Slip |
DESO | | Defence Export Services Organisation |
DF | | Dead freight (shipper or charterer pays for space booked but not occupied) |
DFT | | Draft |
DGN | | Dangerous Goods Note |
D/O | | Delivery Order |
D/P | | Documents Against Payment, Direct Port |
D/R | | Deposit receipt |
D/S | | Days after sight |
DSB | | Danske Staatsbahn (Danish Railways) |
DTI | | Direct trader input/Department of Trade and Industry |
D/W | | Dock Warrant, deadweight |
dwc | | Deadweight capacity |
DY OR DELY | | Delivery |
EAN | | European Article Numbering, a universal system of uniquely identifying trade and retail products |
EAPE | | Exchange as per Endorsement |
EAR | | Export after repair |
EC | | European Community |
ECA | | Economic Co-operation Administration |
ECE | | Economic Commission for Europe |
ECGD | | Export Credits Guarantee Department |
ECI | | Export Consignment Letter |
ECOFIN | | Economic and Financial Affairs Council (EC) |
ECPD | | Export Cargo Packing Declaration |
ECS | | Echantillons commerciaux — commercial samples |
ECSC | | European Coal & Steel Community |
ECSI | | Export Cargo Shipping Instruction |
EDCS | | Electronic Data Capture Service |
EDI | | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDIA | | Electronic Data Interchange Association |
EEA | | European Economic Area |
EEC/EC | | European Economic Community |
EFTA | | European Free Trade Area |
EHA | | Equipment Handover Agreement |
EHC | | Export Health Certificate |
EIA | | European Information Association |
EIB | | European Investment Bank |
EIC | | European Information Centre |
EIMT | | Express International Money Transfer |
EIS | | Export Intelligence Service |
EMS | | Express money service |
e&oe | | Errors & ommissions excepted |
EOHP | | Except As Otherwise Herein Provided |
EOTA | | European Organization For Technical Approvals |
EOTC | | European Organization For Testing and Certification |
EPS | | Entry processing station |
EPU | | Entry processing unit, European payments unit |
ESC | | European Shippers Council, Portuguese Escudo |
ESCAP | | Economic and Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific |
ESL | | EC Sales Listing |
EST | | Eastern Standard Time (USA) |
ETA | | Estimated Time of Arrival/European Technical Approvals |
ETD | | Estimated Time of Departure |
ETS | | Estimated Time of Sailing |
EURATOM | | European Atomic Energy Community |
EX | | Examined, Exchanged, Executed, Excluding, Out Of |
EXBO | | Export Buying Offices Association |
EXD | | Examined |
EXW | | Ex Works Examined |
FAA | | Free of All Average |
FAC | | Forwarding Agents Commission |
FAK | | Freight of All Kinds |
FAS | | Free Alongside Ship |
FBL | | Forwarders Bill of Lading |
FCA | | Free carrier |
FC&S | | free of capture and seizure |
FCL | | Full Container Load |
FCR | | Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt |
FCT | | Forwarders Certificate of Transport |
FD | | Free discharge, free docks, free dispatch or free delivery |
F&D | | Freight and Demurrage |
FFA | | Free from alongside or free foreign agency |
FFI | | for further instructions |
FGA | | Free of General Average |
FIATA | | International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association |
FIO | | Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo |
FIO & stowed | | Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus stowing |
FIO & trimmed | | Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus trimming |
FIT | | Federation of International Traders |
fiw | | Free in wagon |
F/L | | Freight liner |
FLIC | | Forwarders local import control |
FMB | | Federal Maritime Board (USA) |
FMC | | Federal Maritime Commission (USA) |
fo | | For orders, free out terms |
FOB | | Free on Board |
FOC | | Free Of Charge |
FOD | | Free Of Damage |
FOR | | Free on Rail |
FOREX | | Foreign Exhange |
FOT | | Free on Truck |
FP | | Floating (open) marine policy/fully paid |
FPA | | Free of particular average (obsolete) |
FP — C | | Flash point celsius |
FR | | Freight release |
FRA | | Forward Rate Agreement |
FRANCO FREE | | e.g. FRANCO London - All charges paid to arrival London |
fr & cc | | Free of riots and civil commotions |
frt | | Freight |
FS | | Italian Railways |
frof | | Fire risk on freight |
FTA | | Freight Transport Association or Free Trade Agreements |
FTL | | Full Trailer Load |
G/A | | General Average, General Authorisation |
GAC | | General Average Certificate |
G/A con | | General Average contribution |
GATT | | General Agreement of Tariffs & Trade |
GBP | | Pound sterling |
GCBS | | General Council of British Shipping |
GCC | | Gulf Cooperation Council |
GmbH | | Registered Company (Germany) |
GMT | | Greenwich Mean Time |
gnp | | Gross national product |
GRT | | Gross registered tonnage |
Gr wt | | Gross weight |
gsm | | Good sound merchantable |
GSP | | Generalized System of Preferences |
GUV | | General Utility Van (rail) |
GV | | Grand Vitesse (Express Train) |