Home > International Trade for UK Exporters > Export And Shipping Abbreviations (D-G)
International Trade
Export and Shipping Glossary
• A - C
• D - G
• H - M
• N - R
• S - Z
 Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
D/A Documents against acceptance, days after acceptance
DAF Delivered at frontier
DB Deustche Bundesbahn (German Railways)
Dbk Drawback
D/C Deviation clause, documentary collection
dd Delivered
D/D days after date (of tenor of bill of exchange)
DDA Duty Deferment Account
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
DEPS Departmental Entry Processing System
DEQ Delivered At Quay
DES Delivered Ex Slip
DESO Defence Export Services Organisation
DF Dead freight (shipper or charterer pays for space booked but not occupied)
DFT Draft
DGN Dangerous Goods Note
D/O Delivery Order
D/P Documents Against Payment, Direct Port
D/R Deposit receipt
D/S Days after sight
DSB Danske Staatsbahn (Danish Railways)
DTI Direct trader input/Department of Trade and Industry
D/W Dock Warrant, deadweight
dwc Deadweight capacity
DY OR DELY  Delivery
EAN European Article Numbering, a universal system of uniquely identifying trade and retail products
EAPE Exchange as per Endorsement
EAR Export after repair
EC European Community
ECA Economic Co-operation Administration
ECE Economic Commission for Europe
ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department
ECI Export Consignment Letter
ECOFIN Economic and Financial Affairs Council (EC)
ECPD Export Cargo Packing Declaration
ECS Echantillons commerciaux — commercial samples
ECSC European Coal & Steel Community
ECSI Export Cargo Shipping Instruction
EDCS Electronic Data Capture Service
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIA Electronic Data Interchange Association
EEA European Economic Area
EEC/EC European Economic Community
EFTA European Free Trade Area
EHA Equipment Handover Agreement
EHC Export Health Certificate
EIA European Information Association
EIB European Investment Bank
EIC European Information Centre
EIMT Express International Money Transfer
EIS Export Intelligence Service
EMS Express money service
e&oe Errors & ommissions excepted
EOHP Except As Otherwise Herein Provided
EOTA European Organization For Technical Approvals
EOTC European Organization For Testing and Certification
EPS Entry processing station
EPU Entry processing unit, European payments unit
ESC European Shippers Council, Portuguese Escudo
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific
ESL EC Sales Listing
EST Eastern Standard Time (USA)
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival/European Technical Approvals
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETS Estimated Time of Sailing
EURATOM European Atomic Energy Community
EX Examined, Exchanged, Executed, Excluding, Out Of
EXBO Export Buying Offices Association
EXD Examined
EXW Ex Works Examined
FAA Free of All Average
FAC Forwarding Agents Commission
FAK Freight of All Kinds
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FBL Forwarders Bill of Lading
FCA Free carrier
FC&S free of capture and seizure
FCL Full Container Load
FCR Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt
FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport
FD Free discharge, free docks, free dispatch or free delivery
F&D Freight and Demurrage
FFA Free from alongside or free foreign agency
FFI for further instructions
FGA Free of General Average
FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association
FIO Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo
FIO & stowed Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus stowing
FIO & trimmed Free in and out — charterer pays for cost of loading and discharging cargo plus trimming
FIT Federation of International Traders
fiw Free in wagon
F/L Freight liner
FLIC Forwarders local import control
FMB Federal Maritime Board (USA)
FMC Federal Maritime Commission (USA)
fo For orders, free out terms
FOB Free on Board
FOC Free Of Charge
FOD Free Of Damage
FOR Free on Rail
FOREX Foreign Exhange
FOT Free on Truck
FP Floating (open) marine policy/fully paid
FPA Free of particular average (obsolete)
FP — C Flash point celsius
FR Freight release
FRA Forward Rate Agreement
FRANCO FREE  e.g. FRANCO London - All charges paid to arrival London
fr & cc Free of riots and civil commotions
frt Freight
FS Italian Railways
frof Fire risk on freight
FTA Freight Transport Association or Free Trade Agreements
FTL Full Trailer Load
G/A General Average, General Authorisation
GAC General Average Certificate
G/A con General Average contribution
GATT General Agreement of Tariffs & Trade
GBP Pound sterling
GCBS General Council of British Shipping
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
GmbH Registered Company (Germany)
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
gnp Gross national product
GRT Gross registered tonnage
Gr wt Gross weight
gsm Good sound merchantable
GSP Generalized System of Preferences
GUV General Utility Van (rail)
GV Grand Vitesse (Express Train)

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