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International Trade
Export and Shipping Glossary
• A - C
• D - G
• H - M
• N - R
• S - Z
 Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
HAWB House Airwaybill
HBL House Bill of Lading
H/c Held covered
HCS Harmonised Commodity Section
h/h Half-height (container)
HL Heavy lift
HMC Her Majesty's Customs
HMC&E Her Majesty's Customs and Excise
HMSO Her Majestys Stationery Office
HVR Hague-Visby Rules
IATA International Air Transport Association
IB In Bond or invoice book
IBAP Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce
(x) IBOR Interbank Offered Rate
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICB International Container Bureau
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
IC & C Invoice cost and charges
ICCH International Commodities Clearing House
ICD Inland clearance Depot
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association
ICPO Irrecoverable Corporate Purchasing Order
ICS International Chamber of Shipping or Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
ID Import Duty
IDA International Development Authority
IDR Import Duty Relief
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFF Institute of Freight Forwarders
I/L Import License
ILO International Labour Organisation
ILU Institute of London Underwriters
IMB International Maritime Council
IMCO International Maritime Consultative Organisation
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods code
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IMT International Money Transfer
INR Indian Rupee
INSA International Shipowners' Association
INTRASTAT Intra EC Statistics
IOE Institute of Export
ipa Including particular average
IPR Inward Processing Relief
IRC International Reply Coupon
IRD Inland rail depot
IRN Import Release Note
IRU Union Internationale des Transports Routiers
ISC Institute Strike Clauses
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISO International Standards Organization
ITI Customs Convention on the International transit of goods
ITMA Institute of Trade Mark Agents
IUPIP International Union for the Protection of Intellectual Property
IWC Institute War Clauses
J & WO Jettison & washing overboard
JLCD Joint Liason Committee on Documents
JPY Japenese Yen
LAFTA Latin American Free Trade Association
LASH Lighter aboard ship
L/C Letter of Credit
LCL Less than full Container Load
LAB Lloyds Average Bond
L/A Lloyds Agent, letter of authority
ldg Loading
Ldg & Dly Landing and delivery
Lds Loads
LDC Less-developed country
LEC Local export control
LI Letter of Indemnity
LIBID London Interbank Bid Rate
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LIC Local import control
LIFFE London International Financial Futures Exchange
LIMEAN London Interbank Mean Rate
Lkg & bkg Leakage & breakage
Lkge Leakage
L/L Long length
LO/LO Lift on/lift off
LOR Lender's Offered Rate
LR Lloyds Register
ls Lumpsum (freight)
LT-EUR1 Long-term movement certificate (EC)
LVI Local Veterinary Inspector
LVP Low Value Procedure
MAT Master Air Waybill
MAWB Mersey Docks and Harbour Board
MFN Most Favoured Nation
mgr Merry-go-round (rail); manager
Min Minimum
Min wt Minimum weight
MIP Marine Insurance Policy
MR Mate's receipt
mst or msmt Measurement
MT Mail Transfer, metric tonne; empty (to describe container)
M3 Cubic metre
MV or mv Motor vessel
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