HAWB | | House Airwaybill |
HBL | | House Bill of Lading |
H/c | | Held covered |
HCS | | Harmonised Commodity Section |
h/h | | Half-height (container) |
HL | | Heavy lift |
HMC | | Her Majesty's Customs |
HMC&E | | Her Majesty's Customs and Excise |
HMSO | | Her Majestys Stationery Office |
HVR | | Hague-Visby Rules |
IATA | | International Air Transport Association |
IB | | In Bond or invoice book |
IBAP | | Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce |
(x) IBOR | | Interbank Offered Rate |
IBRD | | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
ICAO | | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICB | | International Container Bureau |
ICC | | International Chamber of Commerce |
IC & C | | Invoice cost and charges |
ICCH | | International Commodities Clearing House |
ICD | | Inland clearance Depot |
ICHCA | | International Cargo Handling Co-ordination Association |
ICPO | | Irrecoverable Corporate Purchasing Order |
ICS | | International Chamber of Shipping or Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
ID | | Import Duty |
IDA | | International Development Authority |
IDR | | Import Duty Relief |
IFC | | International Finance Corporation |
IFF | | Institute of Freight Forwarders |
I/L | | Import License |
ILO | | International Labour Organisation |
ILU | | Institute of London Underwriters |
IMB | | International Maritime Council |
IMCO | | International Maritime Consultative Organisation |
IMDG | | International Maritime Dangerous Goods code |
IMF | | International Monetary Fund |
IMO | | International Maritime Organisation |
IMT | | International Money Transfer |
INR | | Indian Rupee |
INSA | | International Shipowners' Association |
INTRASTAT | | Intra EC Statistics |
IOE | | Institute of Export |
ipa | | Including particular average |
IPR | | Inward Processing Relief |
IRC | | International Reply Coupon |
IRD | | Inland rail depot |
IRN | | Import Release Note |
IRU | | Union Internationale des Transports Routiers |
ISC | | Institute Strike Clauses |
ISF | | International Shipping Federation |
ISO | | International Standards Organization |
ITI | | Customs Convention on the International transit of goods |
ITMA | | Institute of Trade Mark Agents |
IUPIP | | International Union for the Protection of Intellectual Property |
IWC | | Institute War Clauses |
J & WO | | Jettison & washing overboard |
JLCD | | Joint Liason Committee on Documents |
JPY | | Japenese Yen |
LAFTA | | Latin American Free Trade Association |
LASH | | Lighter aboard ship |
L/C | | Letter of Credit |
LCL | | Less than full Container Load |
LAB | | Lloyds Average Bond |
L/A | | Lloyds Agent, letter of authority |
ldg | | Loading |
Ldg & Dly | | Landing and delivery |
Lds | | Loads |
LDC | | Less-developed country |
LEC | | Local export control |
LI | | Letter of Indemnity |
LIBID | | London Interbank Bid Rate |
LIBOR | | London Interbank Offered Rate |
LIC | | Local import control |
LIFFE | | London International Financial Futures Exchange |
LIMEAN | | London Interbank Mean Rate |
Lkg & bkg | | Leakage & breakage |
Lkge | | Leakage |
L/L | | Long length |
LO/LO | | Lift on/lift off |
LOR | | Lender's Offered Rate |
LR | | Lloyds Register |
ls | | Lumpsum (freight) |
LT-EUR1 | | Long-term movement certificate (EC) |
LVI | | Local Veterinary Inspector |
LVP | | Low Value Procedure |
MAT | | Master Air Waybill |
MAWB | | Mersey Docks and Harbour Board |
MFN | | Most Favoured Nation |
mgr | | Merry-go-round (rail); manager |
Min | | Minimum |
Min wt | | Minimum weight |
MIP | | Marine Insurance Policy |
MR | | Mate's receipt |
mst or msmt | | Measurement |
MT | | Mail Transfer, metric tonne; empty (to describe container) |
M3 | | Cubic metre |
MV or mv | | Motor vessel |