s/a | | Safe arrival or subject to approval, Societe Anonyme (limited company — France) |
SAD | | Single Administrative Document |
SAE | | Stamped Addressed Envelope |
Sar | | Limited company (Italy) |
Sanr | | Subject to approval no risk |
SB | | Short Bill, Payable on Demand or Sight |
SCP | | Simplified Clearance Procedure |
SD | | Sight Draft, Short Delivery |
SDBL | | Sight Draft with attached Bill of Lading |
SDR | | Special Drawing Rights |
SEA | | Single European Act |
SEK | | Swedish Kroner |
SEM | | Single European Market |
SFR | | Swiss Franc |
S & H/exct | | Sundays and Holidays excepted in lay days |
SGS | | Societe Generale de Surveillance |
SIECA | | General Treaty of Economic Integration, Central American States |
SITC | | Standard International Trade Classification |
SITPRO | | Simplification of international Trade procedures Board |
S/N | | Shipping Note |
SNCB | | Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer Belgique (Belgian Railways) |
SNCF | | Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer (French Railways) |
SSN | | Standard Shipping Note |
SO | | Seller's option |
SOB | | Shipped on board |
SOEC | | Statistical Office European Community |
spr | | Sun protection required |
SRCC | | Strikes, riots & civil commotions |
SS | | Steamship |
SSD | | Supplementary Statistical Declaration |
stc | | Said to contain |
SWIFT | | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications |
SWL | | Safe Walking Load |
TDC | | Total distribution costs |
TDW | | Tons deadweight |
TEU | | Twenty-foot equivalent unit |
THE | | Technical Help For Exporters (Department of the BSI) |
TIEx | | International Express Rail Parcels consignment note |
TIR | | Transport International Routiers |
T/L | | Total Loss |
TLA | | Tanker Loading Authority |
TLO | | Total loss only |
TMO | | Telegraphic Money Order |
TMR | | Trade Marks Registry |
TP & ND | | Theft, Pilferage and non-delivery |
TQ | | Tariff Quota |
TSR | | Transit shed register or Trans Siberian Railway |
TT | | Telegraphic Transfer |
TTC | | Tariff trade code |
TUCC | | Transport Users Consultative Committee |
TURN | | Trader Unique Reference Number |
U/A | | Underwriting account, unit of account |
UCE | | Unforeseen circumstances excepted |
UCP | | Uniform Customs and Practice (of Documentary Credits) |
U/D | | Under Deck |
UDEAC | | Central African Customs and Economic Union |
UDEAO | | Union Douance et Economique d'Afrique Occidentale |
ULCC | | Ultra large crude carrier |
ULD | | Unit load device |
UN | | United Nations |
UNCTAD | | The United Nations Conference on Trade and Dev elopement |
UNCITRAL | | The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law |
UPU | | Universal Postal Union |
URC | | Uniform Rules for Collections |
URCG | | Uniform Rules Contract Guarantees |
USD | | United States Dollar |
U/W | | Underwriter |
VAT | | Value Added Tax |
VLCC | | Very large crude carrier |
WB | | Waybill, Warehouse Book |
w/d | | Warranted, withdrawn |
wg | | Weight guaranteed |
Wgt | | Weight |
WIPO | | World Intellectual Property Organisation |
W & M | | War & Marine |
W/M | | Weight and/or measurement |
WP | | Without prejudice |
WPA | | With particular average (obsolete) |
WR | | Warehouse Receipt |
WRO | | War Risks Only |
Wt | | Weight |
WTE | | Wartime extension clause |
WW | | Warehouse warrant |
YAR | | York-Antwerp rules |
ZAR | | South African Rand |