Home > International Trade for UK Exporters > Export And Shipping Abbreviations (S-Z)
International Trade
Export and Shipping Glossary
• A - C
• D - G
• H - M
• N - R
• S - Z
 Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
s/a Safe arrival or subject to approval, Societe Anonyme (limited company — France)
SAD Single Administrative Document
SAE Stamped Addressed Envelope
Sar Limited company (Italy)
Sanr Subject to approval no risk
SB Short Bill, Payable on Demand or Sight
SCP Simplified Clearance Procedure
SD Sight Draft, Short Delivery
SDBL Sight Draft with attached Bill of Lading
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SEA Single European Act
SEK Swedish Kroner
SEM Single European Market
SFR Swiss Franc
S & H/exct Sundays and Holidays excepted in lay days
SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance
SIECA General Treaty of Economic Integration, Central American States
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SITPRO Simplification of international Trade procedures Board
S/N Shipping Note
SNCB Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer Belgique (Belgian Railways)
SNCF Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer (French Railways)
SSN Standard Shipping Note
SO Seller's option
SOB Shipped on board
SOEC Statistical Office European Community
spr Sun protection required
SRCC Strikes, riots & civil commotions
SS Steamship
SSD Supplementary Statistical Declaration
stc Said to contain
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
SWL Safe Walking Load
TDC Total distribution costs
TDW Tons deadweight
TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit
THE Technical Help For Exporters (Department of the BSI)
TIEx International Express Rail Parcels consignment note
TIR Transport International Routiers
T/L Total Loss
TLA Tanker Loading Authority
TLO Total loss only
TMO Telegraphic Money Order
TMR Trade Marks Registry
TP & ND Theft, Pilferage and non-delivery
TQ Tariff Quota
TSR Transit shed register or Trans Siberian Railway
TT Telegraphic Transfer
TTC Tariff trade code
TUCC Transport Users Consultative Committee
TURN Trader Unique Reference Number
U/A Underwriting account, unit of account
UCE Unforeseen circumstances excepted
UCP Uniform Customs and Practice (of Documentary Credits)
U/D Under Deck
UDEAC Central African Customs and Economic Union
UDEAO Union Douance et Economique d'Afrique Occidentale
ULCC Ultra large crude carrier
ULD  Unit load device
UN United Nations
UNCTAD The United Nations Conference on Trade and Dev elopement
UNCITRAL The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UPU Universal Postal Union
URC Uniform Rules for Collections
URCG Uniform Rules Contract Guarantees
USD United States Dollar
U/W Underwriter
VAT Value Added Tax
VLCC Very large crude carrier
WB Waybill, Warehouse Book
w/d Warranted, withdrawn
wg Weight guaranteed
Wgt Weight
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organisation
W & M War & Marine
W/M Weight and/or measurement
WP Without prejudice
WPA With particular average (obsolete)
WR Warehouse Receipt
WRO War Risks Only
Wt Weight
WTE Wartime extension clause
WW Warehouse warrant
YAR York-Antwerp rules
ZAR  South African Rand

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