N/A | | No advice |
NCM | | Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij |
NCV | | No commercial value |
ND | | No discount |
NDPS | | Not Elseware Included |
ne | | not exceeding |
NEI | | Not Elseware Included |
NES | | Not Elseware Specified |
NIR | | Northern Ireland Railways |
NMB | | National Maritime Board |
NOK | | Norwegian Kroner |
nop | | Not otherwise provided |
NPC | | National Ports Council |
nr | | No risk until confirmed or net register |
nrad | | No risk after discharge |
NRT | | Nett registered tonnage |
ns | | Nerdlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) |
nspf | | Not specially provided for |
NET WT | | Nett Weight |
N/T | | Net Terms |
NVOCC | | Non vessel owning common carrier |
NYPLR | | New York Prime Lending Rate |
O/A | | On Account Of |
OBO's | | Oil/Bulk/Ore carriers |
O/C | | Open Cover/Open Charter |
o/c | | Overcharge |
OCN | | Out-of-charge note |
OCTs | | The overseas countries and territories of member states associated with the EEC under Part 4 of the Treaty of Rome |
O/D | | On Demand or Overdrawn |
OECD | | Organization for European Cooperation and Development |
OEEC | | Organisation for European Economic Co-operation |
OFC | | Open General License |
OGL | | Open General License |
OJEC | | Official Journal of the European Communities |
O/N | | Official number |
O/O | | Order Of |
oog | | Out of gauge |
OP | | Open or Floating Cargo Insurance Policy |
OPEC | | Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPR | | Outward Processing Relief |
O/R | | Owners Risk |
ORD | | Order |
OSI | | Open Systems Interconnection (Computer Standards) |
P/A | | Private Account, Particular Average, Power of Attorney |
PBA | | Port of Bristol Authority |
P/C | | Private Current, Percent |
Pd | | Paid or passed |
PD | | Port Dues |
PE | | Period entry |
PEP | | Projects and Export Policy Division (BOTB) |
pkge | | Package |
P&I | | Protection and Indemnity |
PKD | | Partially Knocked Down |
P/L | | Partial Loss |
PLA | | Port of London Authority |
pm | | premium |
PMS | | Permanent Manual System |
P/N | | Promissory note |
POA | | Place of Acceptance |
PO | | Post Office |
POD | | Paid on Delivery |
POD | | Paid on Delivery |
Ppd | | Prepaid |
PR | | Parcel receipt |
PSD | | Pre-shipment document |
PSI | | Pre-shipment Inspection |
PT | | Preferential Treatment |
PTL | | Partial total loss |
PUCC | | Port Users Consultative Committee |
PV | | Petite Vitesse (slow goods train) |
QN | | Quotation |
QTY | | Quantity |
RAFT | | Revolving Acceptance Facility by Tender |
RAPR | | Refer to acceptor — please re-present |
R & CC | | Riots and Civil Commotions |
RCC & S | | Riots, Civil Commotions & Strikes |
RDPR | | Refer to drawer — please represent |
REDS | | Registered Excise Shippers and Dealers |
Reefer | | Refrigerated box or vessel |
RENFE | | Spanish Railways |
RES | | Retail Export Scheme |
RHA | | Road Haulage Association |
RN | | Removal Note |
R/O | | Routing Order |
RO/RO | | Roll-On/Roll-Off |
RP | | Return premium, reply paid, return of post |
ROD | | Rusting, oxidisation, denting (discolouration) |
RTK | | Revenue tonne kilometres |
RTP | | Restrictive trade practices |