Home > International Trade for UK Exporters > Export And Shipping Abbreviations (N-R)
International Trade
Export and Shipping Glossary
• A - C
• D - G
• H - M
• N - R
• S - Z
 Common Export and Shipping Abbreviations
N/A No advice
NCM Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij
NCV No commercial value
ND No discount
NDPS Not Elseware Included
ne not exceeding
NEI Not Elseware Included
NES Not Elseware Specified
NIR Northern Ireland Railways
NMB National Maritime Board
NOK Norwegian Kroner
nop Not otherwise provided
NPC National Ports Council
nr No risk until confirmed or net register
nrad No risk after discharge
NRT Nett registered tonnage
ns Nerdlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways)
nspf Not specially provided for
NET WT  Nett Weight
N/T Net Terms
NVOCC Non vessel owning common carrier
NYPLR New York Prime Lending Rate
O/A On Account Of
OBO's Oil/Bulk/Ore carriers
O/C Open Cover/Open Charter
o/c Overcharge
OCN Out-of-charge note
OCTs The overseas countries and territories of member states associated with the EEC under Part 4 of the Treaty of Rome
O/D On Demand or Overdrawn
OECD Organization for European Cooperation and Development
OEEC Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
OFC Open General License
OGL Open General License
OJEC Official Journal of the European Communities
O/N Official number
O/O Order Of
oog Out of gauge
OP Open or Floating Cargo Insurance Policy
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPR Outward Processing Relief
O/R Owners Risk
ORD Order
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (Computer Standards)
P/A Private Account, Particular Average, Power of Attorney
PBA Port of Bristol Authority
P/C Private Current, Percent
Pd Paid or passed
PD Port Dues
PE Period entry
PEP Projects and Export Policy Division (BOTB)
pkge Package
P&I Protection and Indemnity
PKD Partially Knocked Down
P/L Partial Loss
PLA Port of London Authority
pm premium
PMS Permanent Manual System
P/N Promissory note
POA Place of Acceptance
PO Post Office
POD Paid on Delivery
POD Paid on Delivery
Ppd Prepaid
PR Parcel receipt
PSD Pre-shipment document
PSI Pre-shipment Inspection
PT Preferential Treatment
PTL Partial total loss
PUCC Port Users Consultative Committee
PV Petite Vitesse (slow goods train)
QN Quotation
QTY Quantity
RAFT Revolving Acceptance Facility by Tender
RAPR Refer to acceptor — please re-present
R & CC Riots and Civil Commotions
RCC & S Riots, Civil Commotions & Strikes
RDPR Refer to drawer — please represent
REDS Registered Excise Shippers and Dealers
Reefer Refrigerated box or vessel
RENFE Spanish Railways
RES Retail Export Scheme
RHA Road Haulage Association
RN Removal Note
R/O Routing Order
RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Off
RP Return premium, reply paid, return of post
ROD Rusting, oxidisation, denting (discolouration)
RTK Revenue tonne kilometres
RTP Restrictive trade practices
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